Sunday, November 25, 2012

Japan XIII: Naoshima


Another post, another clever introduction, right?

Another week has passed here in Japan. Fall seems to be in its peak here. The autumnal season in Japan is gorgeous because trees cover the mountains. Thus, when the leaves change colors, it's like you are surrounded by a variety of reds, yellows and oranges. I spend most of my train commutes with my face plastered to the window more than usual these days. I also recently FINALLY tried green tea ice cream...Yum! Thanksgiving was spent working as obviously Japan doesn't celebrate that uniquely American holiday. However, Friday the 23rd was a Japanese holiday so I've enjoyed compromising Thanksgiving day for a 3-day weekend.

I've spent this weekend hanging around Okayama and Saturday I went to a small island off of the coast of Okayama called Naoshima. This island hosts many outdoor art projects and fancy art museums. Besides the chilly weather, I had a relaxing time walking around the island, sitting at the beach, taking pictures and also meeting a distressed older couple from the Netherlands. Unfortunately, most of the indoor galleries didn't allow photography so I can't show all of you the art I saw.

Here's some pictures (as usual, click them for larger versions):

[The beach at the Benesse Art House]

 [The famous yellow pumpkin by Kusama Yayoi]

 [One of several small colorful animal sculptures]

 [The coast around Benesse]

 [Eating lunch at the ferry port]

As far as souvenirs go, I just bought some simple stickers that say "I LOVE N.S." (I love Naoshima) because souvenirs at Naoshima are expensive! For example, a small cell phone key chain in the shape of the yellow Kasuma Yayoi pumpkin were nearly $13! And a paper weight $35! Even postcards were a little more pricey. 

The only time I actually had a problem with at Naoshima was when I was trying to find a bus to go back to the ferry port. In order to tour Naoshima, you need to use the bus system or rent bikes. I tried to use the bus and didn't have any problems until I tried to return to the port. I spent maybe around 30 minutes trying to figure out which bus stop I needed to find and which bus to take but eventually got on the right (and VERY crowded) bus. On the ferry ride back to Uno, I sat in the cabin area and watched a sumo match on TV. Surprisingly, there was one foreigner competing in the sumo match. The only way you could tell he was a foreigner was by looking at his facial features because the wrestlers are so fat...Gross. As a total side note, one high school student Hannah teaches is going pro for sumo wrestling after he graduates.

The next week is a normal week of work for me. Monday I will be helping my 5-year-olds rehearse their English songs because Saturday they have a little concert for their parents. Next week Hannah and I are going to Kake Institute's end-of-the-year party via Yamada-san (our representative). I will also be figuring out if it's more appropriate for me to buy a second suitcase or mail stuff home. On the 14th of December I will be making the crowning jewel of my sight-seeing by going to Tokyo and Mt. Fuji! Whoo-hoo!

Until next time,


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