Saturday, September 1, 2012

Japan V: New Home!

[click for a larger version to see where I live. look for the red circle.]

So, Hannah and I have finally settled into our new living space in Okayama, Japan. The picture above shows the building we live in. We both live in the apartment on the lower level. The two doors lead to foyers where we store our bikes as bikes are a popular form of transportation here. Our little house is also at the bottom of a big hill that leads to Okayama University of Science where both of us teach classes.Moving in was no problem and we both get our own rooms which is very nice. Yamada-san, our representative and almost care-taker picked us both up from Kansai International Airport and from there we rode a series of trains (including the Shikansen or bullet train)before arriving in Okayama. From the station, we took a taxi to our apartment and then unpacked.

Thus far, we've figured out how to use just about everything in our apartment. Operating electronics, like the stove, in our apartment is a bit challenging considering all the directions are in Japanese. We've also quickly picked up on how to ride our bikes in the city (there aren't really any cycling rules here unlike in America) as well as how to get to the post office, bank, convenience store and grocery. The neat thing about Okayama is that it is hardly flat; the whole place is pretty much settled in between small mountains. The climate is also very humid and hot! For example, a few days ago it was hotter here than in Cairo, Egypt. As for the people, everyone is very polite. Many people wish you good morning if they pass you on the street in the morning and of course there is the bowing. For anyone curious, a Japanese bow does not involve positioning your hands together like you are praying.

Here's some pictures of our adventures thus far:
[the entrance to a Shinto shrine]

[the view from a park]

 [prayers written on wooden blocks inside a shrine]

 [Hannah and I with an actor in Samurai armor!]

 [Okayama Castle aka Black Crow Castle]

 [I get to try on a kimono!]

 [Hannah ordering food]

 [the neatest place to eat so far]

Tomorrow we both start teaching. My first class is at Junsei Nursery where I conduct a class of 5 year olds for 30 invigorating minutes. Later this week I will also have a few high school classes to teach...Freshman and seniors!

Until next time,


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