Saturday, August 4, 2012

Japan II

Here's post the second!

Not much has happened since the last time I posted here. I've finally cleaned up and consolidated my belongings at my parent's house. An amalgamation of childhood relics were stored away; Cardcaptor Sakura dolls, plastic ponies and Tenchi Muyo figurines. For anyone who doesn't know, I am not very nostalgic when it comes to my possessions. I'll admit I am nostalgic when it comes to hanging around old friends perhaps but  I don't often keep material things for the sake of remembering. And again, I'll admit, there are a few things I have kept because they are 'special.' *bashful face*

Anyway, Julie's loot has been organized and stored. Also dusted.

I've also come to realize after moving and cleaning...that I have a lot of books. For one thing, I am a sucker at places like Half Priced Books, local bookstores or even garages sales. I love reading. For me, I learn through reading information and then writing that information down somewhere (most often that writing place being an online blog or my journals). Go ahead, make fun of the hybrid English major and her books...

After I finished up my cleaning business, here are a few other things I've done to prepare for Japan:

  • Exchange my currency. I will need about 55,000 Yen which at the most is around $700.
  • Cut my celly-phone plan. Calling via celly doesn't work very well in Japan.
  • Buy some travel sized toiletries.
  • Test Skype at the significant other's house
  • Not really care about the outrage that is Chick-fil-a (but still find it humorous).
  • FINALLY buy 1Q84 for my Kindle Fire!
  • List my last day working at Graeter's as August 11th.
  • Fill out some release and liability forms for my Visa.
  • Pack my winter clothes.

Also, I'm trying to decide which TESOL textbooks to bring with me...They are all so useful with guides to tricky grammar questions and lesson plans! I've found out that I *might* be teaching a kindergarten class, a middle school class, a high school class and a college class.

 Thus far I'm trying to pack all of my stuff for four months of living in one large suitcase no more than 50 lbs and a carry-on. It's like the packing Olympics!

Not much more to say, so until next time, take care!

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